
A Woman’s Guide to Starting
by Marion A. Eggleton
As beautiful as relationships are and can be, no relationship
is perfect. Relationships take work. Perhaps you invested a lot
of your energies, plans, and dreams in a relationship that did
not work and you question whether you want to go down that road
again. If it is so easy to pack your bags and move on every time
a problem emerges, and they will, you are never going to develop
the long-term situation that you want in your life.
You have several options for your life. You can decide to find
a new lifelong partner. You can decide, because of past experiences,
that commitment is not possible, but you would like to have the
financial, companionship, and sexual advantages, which short-term
relationships may offer. Or you can decide that the psychological
costs of finding someone new in your life are just too great and
it is easier just to enjoy your life as it is. Lets briefly examine
these options because they may help you initiate action that will
affect the rest of your life.
A life alone can have its advantages. You don’t have to
worry about the needs of someone else. You can determine what you
want to do on a daily basis, when you do it, and where you do it.
You can dress to please yourself and you don’t have to worry
about what someone else might think. You can eat your favorite
foods without worry about your weight. And, you can reduce all
of those trips to the hairdresser, eliminate many of the beauty
aids, and stop trying to impress others.
On the other hand life alone is just that… life alone.
You may say that you can spend more time with your children, grandchildren,
and girl/men friends. Unfortunately children have a tendency to
move away or feel, that while you are important in their lives,
they have other priorities and you take on a diminished role. Even
grandchildren, while they are cute and loving when they are young,
also grow up and start spreading their wings and are no longer
available as they once were. Friends change. They find someone
new in their lives. They move on to be close to other friends or
family, or unfortunately as we age they suffer the same fate, as
we will all face at some point. More and more women are left alone
without anyone, or at least with only the occasional contact with
the past.
Married couples are reluctant to include singles in their married
life. You are the odd chair at the table or you might even be viewed
as a threat to the marriage. Travel is oriented to couples. Trips
to dinner, movies, the theater, and even just to the mall seem
less fulfilling when you are alone. If you are at a dance and you
dance those line dances or fast dances with your friends, that’s
fine, but when the music turns slow you envy the couples as they
snuggle close. As you go out in the world you see all kinds of
couples together, holding hands, laughing at each other’s
jokes, just sharing the moment. These moments bring back memories
of when you had a good relationship. Further they force you to
look at the reality of the fact that, even though single life may
have it’s advantages, you are alone and the chances are that
you are going to be alone for the rest of your life. Not a very
good prospect for most of us. Even if you do have a lot of friends
in similar circumstances your occasional gatherings end up bemusing
about past relationships or their inability to have someone in
their lives.
Many women seem to want the amenities of a relationship without
the commitment that a long-term relationship requires. They like
the attention, the sex, the gifts, and the appearance that a relationship
may bring. But, they also like the ability to move on at the drop
of the hat if they don’t like what the partner is doing or
fails to do for whatever reason. Rather than attempt to work out
any problems it is easier to just move on and find someone new.
As each year progresses, it becomes increasingly hard to find anyone
else to fit into his or her life. They see other men wanting younger
women - which they once were. They see men wanting commitment,
which they are unable to give. They find increasing competition
to find someone in a world where eligible women outnumber available
men, at least available men that they would have an interest in.
A truth starts to enter the dating game where women tend to age
in appearance, while men tend to gain character. While the latter
may be illusive at least it enters the psychology of finding a
new partner.
Soon the realization enters where it becomes increasingly difficult
to attract a new partner, and they find themselves falling into
the same lifestyles that have beset their single sisters. They
find themselves going to activities alone hoping to meet someone,
only to go home alone regretting that they had not attempted to
work out the differences they had with their past partner. Also
as the single person increasingly turns to single female friends
for companionship, their sessions typically turn to men bashing
and rehashing all of the things that went wrong in past relationships.
While there may be some comfort in commiserating with others over
one’s past life, the process tends to drag you further into
the acceptance of the single lifestyle.
Finding a new partner, at any age, is not easy. It takes a lot
of hard work and there may be many disappointments. There will
be times when you question whether it is worth it, especially if
you are relatively comfortable in your single lifestyle. However,
if you want somebody of the opposite sex in your life then you
are going to have to take the steps to meet him or her where they
are. Chances are that a prospective mate is not going to come knocking
on your door. He might, but the prospects are not good.
Having a partner in your life can re-ignite the same feelings
that you had with your first love. Your chronological age may have
changed, but mentally you are still that young girl. You will relive
the thrill of talking to him on the phone; the thrill of waiting
for him to take you out on a date or the thrill of holding hands
and talking about your past and future dreams. The kiss at any
age can be as magical as the first kiss. Your eventual sexual experience,
assuming you are in good health can be as positive and fulfilling
as any you have ever experienced. Just having someone to share
your dreams, your daily life, your good days and your bad will
be a positive influence. Also having someone that will be there
when you are not well and will be concerned about your well being
will be a consolation to being alone.
Think about it! If you are in your fifties, sixties, even seventies
you have from 20 to 40 years left in this wonderful life. Even
at the lower end that is a long time to be left with what might
have been. It is a long time to develop a loving, caring relationship
with a new partner that will enhance and enrich your life. It is
a long time to share new experiences whether it is exploring new
vacation spots, developing new activities, sharing the beauties
of life. Even an occasional argument will enable you to draw on
your inner strength to express yourself.
At this point in life you may have financial or other interests
that you want to protect in entering into a new relationship, and
the same is probably true for your partner as well. These assets
and difficulties that emerged in a past divorce are factors that
you want to avoid in a new union. As unromantic as it may seem
at this point in life there are considerations, which should be
made as part of any new long-term relationship. As you move towards
this goal discuss with your partner the consideration of a prenuptial
agreement. Have an experienced lawyer write up an agreement, which
outlines what you will do to try to protect a relationship. Yet
if dissolution is the only answer then it will spell out precisely
how that will be accomplished with minimal hassle for either party.
You may ask why I am spending time on the above discussion. There
is a reason for discussing these issues before you embark on the
search for a new love in your life. Part of the decision process
to get active in searching for someone new, should include a reflection
of what went wrong in your past relationship and those things that
were major irritants in the past. Things that you can deal with
mentally; things that need to be worked on in a new relationship.
You are about to invest considerable time and emotion in trying
to meet and become involved with someone new. It may just happen.
The chances are however, that you are going to have to get proactive
and make it happen. Being proactive will help assure that you meet
and attract the kind a person you are interested in meeting, Assuring
that you are developing a relationship that will last for the rest
of your life. Hopefully this will be the lasting relationship of
your life. You want to make sure that your new partner is one that
you will be comfortable with not only tomorrow, but also for the
rest of your life. You will want to find the partner that will
have all of the attributes that you admired in the past, but without
the negatives that led to the breakup of that past relationship
or those that kept you from getting involved in the first place.
Excerpted from Love After 50: A Woman’s Guide
to Starting Over by Marion A. Eggleton. Copyright © 2005
by Helm Publishing and Marion A. Eggleton. All rights reserved.
Excerpted by arrangement with Marion A. Eggleton. $9.95. Available
in local bookstores or click